• drfarmer@theceddoctor.com
  • 404-451-3812

Economic Development

Strategic Economic Development

Understanding the unique assets that set your region apart and the weaknesses that may be holding your region back is essential for any economic and community development organization. Our team also has strong experience in developing Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS).  Data gathering is important, but it is oftentimes difficult to turn analysis into action. We work with our clients to identify specific action items with timeframes and methods for prioritizing goals and tasks.

How do you know where your organization is going without a road map? The CED Doctor creates roadmaps, avoiding dead ends and pitfalls along the way.

  • Strategic Economic Development Plans–Vision, Goals, Strategies–and most important–Action Steps.
  • Competitive Analysis–How does your community compare to competitors in product, workforce, incentives, and business climate?
  • Site Selector Review–The CED Doctor performs reviews of communities through the lens of a site selector.
  • Retreat Facilitation–Board retreats, planning sessions, local government workshops

Site Selection

Finding a site is easy. Finding the right site takes a creative team.  Many communities and organizations understand the value of identifying prime properties for industrial, office, commercial, retail, and residential development and completing the necessary planning steps before marketing and development occur. Our team pulls from extensive experience in community development and infrastructure planning combined with end-user project management and site selection to help identify and prepare the most appropriate and marketable sites.

  • Site Selection
  • Site Evaluation
  • Cost Analysis
  • Incentive Analysis

Return On Investment

Are you getting a good deal? Let us find out.

  • Return on Investment Analysis–Defining the economic impact of your project
  • Economic Impact Analysis of Projects for Corporate Clients
  • Analyzing the Return of Incentive Investments–Help local officials understand the return on investment of an incentive package.